Much has happened since my last post.
Yet, there is much more that must happen.
To make a long story short,
my husband came home from work last Friday and said,
"A package has been offered and I need to accept."
We talked to our children, his mom, our sisters and brothers
and now we are selling our home,
praying for a job with insurance,
looking for a house in Nasvhille,
and believing God to supply our needs.
Whew! I am truly still in shock.
This is an unfamiliar path.
Like Joshua, we have never walked this way before.
We've raised our children in this house.
It is home.
I am filled with much sentiment.
I love my small home.
Only a little over 1000 sq. ft. it has housed my favorites.
In the small living room, our daughter accepted Jesus.
In that same room, my husband rocked me
as we both prayed for her healing of what
looked like a serious disease.
Every small part holds a piece of my heart.
Humble, yet mighty.
The things I can hold in my hands, I will carry with me,
as well as the things that I can not.
Each room holds a memory.
I've touched doorposts and doorknobs and
bedposts and prayed a hedge of protections around them.
I've prayed for a scared little boy who was
tormented in his sleep and an insecure
little girl who wanted to please.
I've listened endless hours to a little girl practice vocals and lines for a play.
Day after day, I watched a little boy take batting practice
in the living room and shoot hoops above his bedroom door.
I've sat on back steps and watched a boy and a girl
and their daddy hit, catch and run bases.
Over time, the grass beaten down by little feet,
became a baseball diamond.
I've prayed in my room before bedtime
while a little boy asked,
"Mommy, are you praying."
"Yes, baby it's me."
In this house,
I've known victories and defeats,
joy and sorrow,
emptiness and full,
uncertainty and peace.
having little but possessing everything.
"Have I not commanded you?
Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified,
do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God
will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9
Trusting in the ONE who will be with me wherever I go.