My dear friends,
I feel like I'm caught up in the winds of Kansas
on my journey to Oz.
I don't know that I have ever been more totally exhausted.
I guess in all seasons there are periods of pure fatique that
we feel is beyond anything we have experienced before.
Being a new mommy...
Running after toddlers...
School activities and car pools...
Teenagers and youth activities.
The pressure from releasing our grown children...
Raising our parents...
There were always whirlwinds on each journey
and in every season.
I guess the fatique on this journey is the result of getting older,
not taking care of my body, and the emotional pull
of letting go of the familiar to embark on the beauty of the unfamiliar.
Our small apartment is beginning to look like home.
Old things look new in a new place.
Some of my milkglass is still in boxes
and will remain until we get a bigger place.
Our lease is for one year so for now I'm resting.
This table was in our small bathroom at home.
I painted it gray and it works perfectly in our new place.
The bedroom is actually larger than ours at home.
I still have to hang a few plates and the mirror.
I had saved $250 for a dresser to replace my old one.
I got this one at the flea market before I left for $95.
The family pics are up.
We're almost done.
Pray for Mr. H.
He's had more hip pain and recovery
has been slower than expected.
I'm sure the move didn't help.
I have larngitis which happens to me two or three times a year.
The apartment manager said,
"Welcome to Tennessee."
Love all you blogging buddies.
Love all my friends back home.
Miss my Nerium partners.
In some ways, I'm starting over.
Still prayers for a job with insurance and/or new Nerium customers
to pay for insurance and to suplement our income.
My newest Brand Partner is loving her Nerium.
We're both loving her results.
Notice the lift in eye, less puffiness under eye,
fewer lines around and under eye.
Everyone will see a difference.
Some will see results sooner.
Some will see more results,
but everyone will see results.
Thanks for dropping by Oz.