Tuesday, February 16, 2016


You'd think I'd have time to blog, don't you?

No REAL job, doesn't mean I do nothing. 
The pastor Sunday morning spoke that message to the husbands. 


I've been busy with the little ones. 
I'm not complaining at all, 
but it is a REAL job. 

Just a shout-out to you stay-at-home moms!
I hear ya!

I get it! 

My littlest one has been sick again. 
Harper was referred to a pediatric lung specialist recently.
Since she was a preemie, her little small bronchial tubes
make her susceptible to every virus that goes around. 

I did get a smile.  
This was Thursday.

I had her on Sunday and again yesterday.

The pediatrician suggested that mommy find a stay-at-home sitter. 
I'm seriously considering it. 
They want to pay me.  I need the job.

I also have an interview tomorrow with a nursing care center.
It's a position for an activity coordinator. 
Real Job, yes!
Caring for babies,
REAL job, yes!

I want to be available for the children, 
but God knows how ridiculous the cost of living is here!
I need a job with insurance and benefits. 

I don't discount the benefits of loving on these babies.
I'm so glad to be near to help.
Reality is REAL!

My son and his wife sold their first home
and have bought another.
May May and BonBon have been busy!
Pray for adjustment for the babies and mommy and daddy.

So, do I take a REAL outside-the-home-job with benefits
do I take the REAL inside-the-home-job with benefits???

Oops, I've not been offered the other.

(Hey Linda, I'll pay you to make me a siggy for Spring!)


  1. You ain't paying, lol. I'll see what I can come up with, sweet friend.-----hmm...I don't know what to tell you...at my point in life---I am all about making money as that is pretty scarce right now for us. Hubby goes, "Aren't babies cute?" I 'm like---back off buster...NOT from me---go find you another woman. LOLOLOLOL (now, listen, hope that doesn't offend anyone...lol)

  2. It depends how important the benefits are. I think helping with your grandchildren is the best job ever. But if you need insurance you might have to go with. I think it is okay that you get paid to watch the kids too. That little baby will continue to be sick if she is in day care. If you can take them places you would have even more fun. I loved my Nanny, Grammy days.

  3. Hmmm...that's a tough one Bon Bon...I agree with the others...no one can make this decision for you except you and God. After interviewing, and if they offer, that will make it tougher for sure but He knows your needs. I know you will make the right decision :)

  4. It is difficult isn't it! I can see the benefits and disadvantages with either job - both of which are real jobs, just in different ways! I wonder if having something else outside the "home" might be good, but being someone who is trying to work "at home" I see those benefits too. Whatever you decide it will be the right decision, God has bought you to this place for a reason as I know that you believe, so I am sure that he will lead you to the right job for the right reasons! xx

  5. That's toughy that only you can decide. At least, look at it this way, there are no "real" full-time jobs with benefits anymore thanks to obama and the people who put the anti-christ in power. If Hillary or Feel The Bern win, well, we're all doomed. Might as well stay home and enjoy something real that loves ya back. Plus, staying home is cheaper because you can get paid under the table (no taxes) and don't have to buy gas, clothes, meals, etc. Just sayin'. :) BTW, I may be getting a "real" job too. Our annuity is so strained something has to give.
    Prayers for you all. Stay strong! Luv ya.

  6. Hard decision! I think I echo what Sparky said. By the time you pay for gas, clothes and all that (and perhaps health insurance too, or at least part of the premium), it could be worth staying with the little one. Good luck!

  7. That is a hard one!! I know my daughter would love if I said I'd watch her kids full time so she can work but I could not do it physically! My grandkids are 4 and 1 1/2 and I am totally exhausted when they leave after a couple hours. An outside real job could be exhausting too! Which job do you have the energy for?!

  8. Ohhh, it's a hard one! Sooo hard. I can pray and that's what I will do :)

  9. I think women work - a LOT!! No matter WHAT season of life we are in!!! Sometimes we work for money and sometimes we work for love. Sometimes the two go together! Whatever you decide, I know that God will supply all of your needs according to his riches in glory!

  10. It's all hard work! You have a tough decision ahead, praying for clear direction!

  11. Let us know what you decide.
    That's a tough decision

  12. Oh that's a tough decision! That sweet baby is absolutely adorable and I know you love spending time with her:) Just pray through it, my friend! God will help you decide! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

  13. I understand your dilemma. I suggest that you "let go and let God". Often, I make a list of pros and cons too and ask for God's guidance and direction. I will hold you in prayer for discernment.

    Harper is absolutely adorable! It's so sad to see little ones sick. Is there a possibility of them hiring a nanny if you choose to work outside the home?



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