I used this title once before when I was writing about my parents.
The song was written by a friend of a friend
and recorded several years ago by Jeff and Sheri Easter.
I need reminding today that Roses Will Bloom Again.
I got a call yesterday morning from a friend asking me to pray
for another friend who was in ICU and on a ventilater.
I had taken a facebook break and had no idea what was going on back home.
It didn't look good...she's had you on her mind for several days...heart attack...
TTP...bone marrow test...
Everything just kinda ran together. My thoughts were rambled.
"What do you think I should do?"
"Give her daughter a call."
My connection with Shirley was a brief one in the span of eternity.
She worked around the corner from me. She owned a jewelry shop
and I loved to visit on my lunch hour. She had a young daughter the age of mine.
They went to different schools.
She helped me choose my daughter's first charm bracelet.
Shop closed and we frequently ran into each other at Walmart,
the only place in town to shop.
Our kids enter middle school.
Our lives merge again.
Briefly, nevertheless connected for a moment.
High School Theatre
Enter "Frenchie" and "Sandy."
For those years, we never missed a rehearsal, never missed a show,
never missed it!!!
We talked and laughed and the director had to call us down a time or two,
a lasting connection.
Shirley said, "Does it get any better than this?"
I know, right?
Watching our girls whom we love better than life,
do what they love better than life!
They were Bigger than LIFE!
Graduation, babies, infertility and we'd frequently run into each in Walmart.
"How's Miriam?"
"How's Christy?"
"Were those years not the best???"
"The best!"
Fast Forward 2015
Washington County High School
Theatre Reunion
Frenchie and Sandi are reunited.
I'm making my way out of the theatre at the last show.
I hear someone call my name!
Big Smile. Big Hug.
"Missed you."
"Missed you."
"Was this not the best! Does it get any better than this?"
A brief conversation with her daughter.
"Oh, Mrs. Bonnie, thank you so much for calling.
We were talking about you a few days ago."
On the vent...so she can rest...sweet, sweet girl
who loves the Lord and loves her mama.
"Can I pray with you?"
I have no idea what I said. It honestly felt like empty words spoken.
I even told the Lord that!
Teach Sunday School. Asked the class to pray. I left early with that nagging pain
and decided that maybe I just needed to be home so I could pray.
I prayed, felt nothing. Told the Lord that!
In the middle of the prayers, I get a text...
"She's gone."
My thoughts are all over the place.
You were thinking of me?
A brief connection can last a lifetime.
Why in those final moments did she think of me?
I can't wrap my mind around it.
"Be still, my soul and know that He is God."
(I'm bringing out my pink roses for sure!)