Monday, May 26, 2014

Today I Pay Tribute to our Vietnam Veterans

Happy Memorial Day!

I'm sharing a few photos from 
a blog post a couple of years ago.

The singing of our National Anthem and watching 
our flag wave in the wind always gives me chills,

and THE Red, White and Blue always brings tears to my eyes. 

A child of the 60's and 70's, I was not allowed to watch
the black and white TV past 9 o'clock.

Daddy made sure that we were in bed before the 11:00 news.
The nightly news showed the graphic, horrific results 
of the Vietnam War.  I heard it all from the confines of my bedroom
and couldn't go to sleep long after.

I admit to praying that God would not take my
brother or my boyfriend or any of my friends to fight in the war. 

As a child of the 70's I never will forget.

I live beside a man who fought and was without honor for many years. 

I am thankful that our flag still stands.
I am thankful for the men and women who have served 
and who continue to serve our great nation. 

And yes, I am thankful that our nation finally
paid tribute and gave honor for those 
who gave their lives, their minds and their bodies 
to a war that some deemed unnecessary.

Thank you Vietnam Vets. 
Yes, we honor you today. 


One of my favorite linen towels. 

Awesome tribute to our Veterans in the Braves Pre-Game Show.

Honoring all branches of service.

Chills and tears. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My oldest brother was a veteran of the VietNam War. I remember how poorly our veterans of that war were treated. Very, very sad!

  3. Very moving and touching tribute..thank you for the lovely post. Hope you have a enjoyable day. Blessings

  4. I remember feeling the same when I was young. The Vietnam war was a terrible time, and the way the soldiers were treated was awful.
    My son was in the army, spent a year in Afghanistan and was thanked when he came home. Still was an awful time, but being thanked sure makes a difference!

  5. I remember the nightly casualty reports and the horrific images from Vietnam. Thank you for remembering those who served.

  6. I'm thankful too. I like your post. Also being a child of the 70's I remember the day in April 1975 when the VietNam war finally ended. Some of the boys in my High School ended up in Canada or dead. Such a senseless pointless war. We should have never been there. One of my brother-in-laws is suffering from the effects of Agent Orange and the VA will do nothing to help him.
    Sorry, didn't mean to be so verbose. *lol*
    Hope y'all had a peaceful, restful day. ~:)

  7. What a beautiful expression of Thanks to our Service Men and Women.

    Lovely. I did fill the basket on my front porch with red, white and blue flowers, a blue scarf and flags. Didn't take a picture of it. Should have.

  8. Love your blog post today and love that you visited The Vintage Nest. I remember sitting with my boyfriend in college (now my husband) as they did the numbers draft for the Vietnam War. Tense moments, I tell you! Hope you have had a wonderful Memorial Holiday ~ Lynn

  9. i really enjoy red, white & blue any old time. it is just so vibrant & fun.

    i have been away on a camping adventure. & now just getting back to replying & talking to you guys again. hope you are well. ( ;

  10. Honor deserved and finally given! Sending HUGS from my heart to yours!

  11. I'm sorry to be late in getting around to visiting with you. My hubby has had five days (including today) off from work so I've not been doing much at the computer.

    Thank you for paying tribute to the Vietnam Vets, Bonnie. I had a boyfriend (whom I was to marry when he got home) who fought in that war. He came home...and with medals and honor, but not alive. SO...I really appreciate what you've done here to honor these men who fought!


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