Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

1. What's your biggest 'first world' problem?

You know what?  I don't even listen to the news anymore.  It's scary.  It's depressing and I refuse.  I have watched the Republican Presidential Debates but I can't endure the Democrats.  I know there's a lot of controversy in the Christian community about loving the refugees, but I'm sorry how many acts of terroism is it going to take to stop this!  I know, I know all Muslims aren't terroists.  So forth and so on...BUT, I am suspicious.  I'm rambling.  I'll stop on that one.

2. Each year Time Magazine names a 'Person of the Year', someone who has 'for better or worse....done the most to influence the events of the year.' It was recently announced they've named Angela Merkel Person of the Year for 2015. Your thoughts? If you were in charge, who would you declare Person of the Year?

I'd search for some lost soul who kindly does the deeds of Mother Theresa with no recognition and no publication.

3. Do you have a nativity set in your home? If so share it's history and how you display the pieces.

I am so excited to say that yes, I do!  I was gifted last week with a Little People's Nativity from a blogging friend who knew that I didn't want one and wanted one for the little ones.  It's my favorite of all time.  When people say that blogging friends are not real friends, I'll show them my Nativity.  I know that I will enjoy sharing the story with my children for years to come. 

In care you missed it...

4. Do you make an extra effort to give back in some way during the holiday season? How do you encourage those who need encouragement this time of year?

I just try to do what my mama called, "Give Yourself Away."  A smile is the easy thing to give.  It's true, Smile and the Whole World Smiles.  There are times when in my spirit, I hear a gentle whisper to do something special and I always try to obey that voice.  I used to visit the nursing home every year with the children.  I hope to carry on the tradition with my babies in a couple of years.

5. Who is your favorite person to shop for? Why?

My babies, the GRANDS and the girls.  Poor guys, they get the gift card.

6. What's the last delicious thing you ate?

Sunday night, I made grits and eggs.  Simply and yummy.  Lots of butter and cheese. Yummy!

7. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is__________________.

See #4.  Kindness, a smile, letting a person in line before you, a Christmas card, a simple act of kindness is what so many need in our world today.  We talk about world peace, but if we could just show a little kindness here, our world would be more peaceful.

8. Insert your own random thought here.

My thoughts have been on those who have nothing in this world.  I daily pass people who are "homeless,"  "need food," "need a ride to......"  I honestly don't know what to do. I don't have money to give.  I'm afraid to give a ride to a man. Someone suggested doing a big ziplock bag as a care package with personal hygeine items and crackers and protein bars, etc.  I had a friend in Bible study who said that she stopped and asked a "homeless" girl if she could take her to McDonald's. She said yes and she was able to share Jesus with her.  She gave her McDonalds coupons so she would have a few meals for a week or so.  I know it's easy to dismiss people and say, "They did this to themselves."  Really?  That's not always the case.  My daddy always said, "I don't know the circumstances, but I give."  The Lord will deal with them if they have asked amiss.

What are your thoughts?


  1. Bonnie, Your little one looks so intent on those wee little feet. LOL. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  2. Oh my gosh,, I miss my grits...especially cheesy grits...anyways...I loved your answers---love you sweet friend. Many Holiday Blessings to you and your precious family.

  3. I love your answers! Well thought out & honestly, quite a lot like I would have answered them myself. My children (who are now 17 & 14 years old) were given a Little People Nativity when they were very small. I love it & they still love it to this day. It's one of the first things my daughter looks for when I decorate.

  4. What sweet and thoughtful answers. If we could all be like that it would be a much better world. Enjoyed the Q&A session.


  5. I enjoyed your answers! I have a nativity that Laura made when she was young. I'll have to put it on the blog sometime. I also have the one that used to be Bob's family nativity. I like the idea of the FP one that the kids can touch.

  6. Morning, yup, great anser!!!! I have my parents old nativity, a treasure.Hugs Francine.

  7. My friend, seems I would have answered the same! I have mixed emotions about helping the homeless but you know, I don't know their story. Whether anyone wants to believe it or not, we're not there but for the grace of God. I will give them food or coupons/certs for food. I also love to give to the less fortunate at Christmas to ensure little ones have toys and food. The kids is what Christmas is all about and sharing the story of Jesus' birth. RAOK's are my favorites ~ especially the anonymous kind. :)



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