Once again, it’s been awhile. Please give me the luxury of expression.
I started my new job a month ago. Not what I expected but I am adjusting. I came into a situation. The home was under investigation by the state. I don’t know all the details. We have been cleared now, but the boss is still a bit uptight. It’s a great home but as they say, “one bad apple can spoil the whole bunch.”
It’s hard to be the new kid on the block especially when the block is new. There’s only a few employees who will let me in, but the residents love me and I adore them. I have a 94 year old retired music teacher who still reads and writes and her roommate is a 92 year old homemaker who ambulates around the facility in her chair helping others. I have a 58 year old Vietnam Vet and a veteran who served in 3 branches of service. I learned his brother was a serial killer. I have a sweet, godly man who has been told he only has s month to live who wants to attend church services and go on to be with the Lord.
It’s a great job even when I have to work every other Sunday for now and I hate missing church. I miss my grandchildren. I miss impromptu ice cream and tea parties.
Christy had an embryo transfer Friday. Everything went well and we are hoping. My son and daughter in law are expecting in August. It’s a girl, Claire Grace. Hopefully we’ll have 2 new babies before and after Christmas.
I soaked up some family time this weekend. I kep Harper on Friday night since Christy was recovering from the procedure. Yesterday we celebrated Cora’s birthday. Birthdays with grands are an all day and night party. God is good and we are blessed.

Easter meant an egg hunt following a wonderful celebration of our risen Savior! My sister and family were here. It was a great day!
I hope to read your posts. Thanks for dropping by and for hanging in there with me the past year.