Monday, November 25, 2013

Emanuel, God Came Near

A few months ago
a friend asked me to speak
at a Christmas dinner.

I hesitated at first.

Remembering a  promise
I made to God, 
a few days later 
I said, "Yes."

Considering the platform
and the event, 
I began to fumble through
some of my notes,

"God's Battle Stragedy"
"A Fight Worth Having"
"Thanksgiving Before the Miracle"
"Labeled: A Child of the King"
"My Own Little Retreat"

God began to whisper,

For days
I meditated on its meaning...

God With Us.

Max Lacado expressed it, 
"God Came Near."

I began to contemplate 
what if means to know and understand, 
truly get it, that


I wrote it on a small chalkboard
and continue to consider
and meditate on the profound,

God with Us

Listen and you, too, may
hear the gentle whisper, 
"God Came Near,"

And finally, 
it will echo loudly 

God Came Near!

In This, HIS season,
May You Experience the very Presence of Emanual,



  1. Thank you Bonnie...I always want God near me. Hope you have agreat Thanksgiving. xoxo,Susie

  2. It is profound!!! Sometimes mind boggling to dwell on the fact that the God who created the heavens and the earth reaches down to us, walks beside us, never leaves us nor forsakes us!
    Mary Alice

  3. Yes, how wonderful!!!! God came near to us through his son Jesus!! What a blessed thought and gift... I know you did a great job sharing all God revealed to you... Have a great Thanksgiving and keep on boldly speaking for Christ! Blessings!


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