I see the babies often. They are growing. I get the sniffles just thinking about them growing up. Cora, my first baby girl, turned three this month. She's mixture of beauty and mischief. She is a girl after my own heart, a mix of many faces. She swings from shrills and thrills to tears in a second flat. She is a beauty and the spitting image of her mommy.
Her cousins on both sides play like they are all family.
I enjoyed seeing family and friends at the annual Top Nazarene Talent event at Trevecca Nazarene University (TNT at TNU).
It made me miss home just a little bit. Well, a whole lot!
I can't believe how very much the kids have changed in two years. My nephew played a mean game of Competitive Frisbee. He's visiting colleges. I'm hoping for Vanderbilt but he's looking at University of Georgia and Georgia Tech. His major will be Mechanical Engineer. Right now he's rebuilding a motorcycle.
Our miracle baby is a little bit of sunshine.
She loves playing mommy and doctor.
Bless her heart, with her allergies,
she knows exactly what the stethoscope is for!
She begs her mommy to go to "Bon-Bon's house."
I guess Nashville is becoming home.
At least, it feels like it when the kids are there
or we are hanging out together.
It doesn't feel so much like home today.
I lost my daddy in March 5 years ago.
My brother died in March and his birthday is April 14.
If you don't know the story you can read it here.
Connor man doesn't really care for baseball.
He'd rather wait for the treat at the end of the game.
He's ready for soccer.
His mommy registered him for Kindergarten last week.
I don't think she's ready for this.
For Lint, I was going to give up Caffeine and Diet Sodas.
The first two weeks were great.
I got up every morning and walked on the treadmill,
had my quiet time, ate healthy
and then I was hit with a headache like I've never had before.
I missed work and went to the doctor twice.
Needless to say, I fell off the wagon.
I'm getting back on...next week.
I start a part-time job of being a companion to a
precious lady in our church. She's a beauty. She like to have
her nails done and enjoys walking and eating out.
I'll looking forward to spending time with her.
May you be blessed with a peace and joy during this Holy Week.
Remember, He became like us, so that we could become like Him.