For those of you are wondering if I'm still standing, I've got a hand on my hip and I'm propping.
I've worked all week on revamping my resume. I feel satisfied now that I'm presenting the best "me." Someone who has been praying for me sent me a text with a job posting. It is something that I could truly see myself doing, but something totally out of my mind-wave. It's a job that would be beyond my wildest dreams and would give me opportunities where I could use my gifts and my loves. I am not "qualified" and it would be a real miracle if I got it. It would be a God-thing definitely. After all, if God calls, HE qualifies. There is no "Bachelor's degree" on my resume. However, somewhere in my spirit, I feel a stirring that God is preparing me for something. I haven't felt this hopeful in a long time. Last night, I had a critical moment of surrender. I just got to the point where I said, "I can't do this anymore. I've looked. I've prepared. I've presented. I'm done." My daddy used to talk about "getting to the end of yourself." I think I'm there. I'll share more news later so keep praying.
Today, I had several families tell me how much I mean to them. I almost cried. I do love them. I'm just not physically and emotionally able to continue to care for them. Pray that God will send the right person. I've even thought about doing some private sitting for those that I am closest to. There's one family that I have become particularly fond of. We share the same beliefs. The wife is a caregiver of her husband. Their daughter and her husband are missionaries in India. She has been wanting to go see them and doesn't feel that she can take him there or leave him here. She's It'not willing to put him in respite care. I've been thinking that maybe I can help.
It's 1am so I must get to bed. TGIF and tomorrow is Saturday so I can sleep in.
Happy Weekend.
I'll leave you with these...
A fun night at 'Donald's.
Friday, January 26, 2018
Sunday, January 21, 2018
I’m Tired From Standing in the Hallway
I’m pretty much stuck in the same place. I spent the entire weekend revamping my resume and applying to more jobs. Indeed is not working for me. I’ve applied to almost 50 jobs and have only gotten two replies and those were denials. I awoke this morning with a UTI, pain and traces of blood in urine. Mr. H went to the pharmacy and got the AZO stuff that turns your urine orange. It sure does help the pain. I needed church badly today but knew it wouldn’t be best.

I have a secret about these, but I can’t tell!

This is what the weather was like here after the snow.

Baby girl made snow cream and snowflakes on her days off.
I told my boss last week that I would work til March 1, job or no job. I think he’s holding out thinking I will change my mind. I’m so very disappointed that this job wasn’t what I thought it would be or what I was hired to do. I could have been good at marketing if he had allowed me too.
I’m sad. I thought by now that I would be in full-time ministry. I thought I’d be traveling and teaching women, developing new friendships while sharing the gospel and grace of Jesus. I thought I’d be doing makeovers, both holy makeovers and healthy makeovers but look at me. I need one of both. The idea for a title of my debut book, “Lord, give me a chair. I’m tired from standing in the hallway.” I feel like I’ve been waiting so long. Have I missed it? Will I miss it?
Then again I have so many blessings. I have a sweet little place I’m learning to call home. I have a wonderful family with babies I adore.
They had a ball playing in the snow.
I have a secret about these, but I can’t tell!
This was my drive to work last week. Scary. But I got there safely.
This is what the weather was like here after the snow.
Baby girl made snow cream and snowflakes on her days off.
Yes, these faces and their hugs and kisses cheer me up and make my life full and happy.
But still, I need a vision, a new God given dream. Pray for me and let me know how I can pray for you.
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Gasping for Air
Hold on tight! It's gonna be a long ride, you might say. I've struggled with blogging the past two years because for one, I have a horrible Internet server, and two, Windows XP is not my favorite. As a matter of fact, I had written a nice, long post about our family Christmas, hit the wrong button and it was gone! Just like that! I put so much emotion into my writings that I'm too spent to repeat myself once it's gone. This one will be no different. So, if it doesn't happen, maybe I'll feel like going there again...later. Who knows.
I'll start off by sharing my Christmas photos. That way you can enjoy the happy and not read on to the nitty, gritty if you so choose.
I think this is promise to be my all time favorite of me and the kids. This was taken on a random night with family. I realized there were few pictures of me and the kids and I needed a good one. My eyes were terrible. I had a collision with a chair at the facility and got a black eye. The black is gone, but the puffy was still there. One bad eye, but one happy heart.
I'll start off by sharing my Christmas photos. That way you can enjoy the happy and not read on to the nitty, gritty if you so choose.
I think this is promise to be my all time favorite of me and the kids. This was taken on a random night with family. I realized there were few pictures of me and the kids and I needed a good one. My eyes were terrible. I had a collision with a chair at the facility and got a black eye. The black is gone, but the puffy was still there. One bad eye, but one happy heart.
I did very little decorating this year except in the foyer and living room.
I changed up my colors this year and decided to add a pop of red.
I moved my bench from the dining room to the living room.
I added a pom pom banner that you can't see here.
I think I'm staying with the red while the kids are little.
They loved it!
I filled the galvanized bucket with some wood from a friend's house and some 99 cents greenery and berries from Goodwill. A lot of my tree came from 99 cents Goodwill bags.
My favorite addition this year was the wooden nativity painting. It was the focal point of our home and my heart this year.
We went home to Georgia this year so Christmas with the kids was the Sunday evening before Christmas Eve Sunday.
With my job, it was impossible to find another time to bake cookies so the little ones came early and we baked cookies.
Connor is a pro! The girls were too busy being Princesses!
I tell you what, they reign!
It was a night of pure joy!
My cup runneth over!
This is a forever picture that will remain on the bar for me to enjoy all year!
I could stay here forever, but my heart needs to bleed a bit. I know there will be tears with this post.
I share my heart so openly on here. Maybe, it's because I can't see you on the other side that I am able to be so open. Then again, I think I know there is no judgment here. I'm not sure that I all I type is appropriate. I don't think I'm breaking HIPPA rules when I don't say where I'm from or who I'm talking about it or go into details. At least, I hope not. I may be going to jail anyway. Add one more thing to the charges.
No, seriously. On Friday before Christmas, I had a major meltdown that put me at urgent care with the possibility of a transfer to the local ER.
It was no ordinary day. It should have been, could have been and what I thought would have been. My day begins between 7-7:15am with members arriving at 7:30. On this particular happy FRIDAY before Christmas, I had to work as usual without the usual Christmas EVE day off that I've had in the past. I have resigned myself to the world of caregiving and entered this day with bells on. I was early welcomed by a somewhat, strange greeting from a family member of one of our members. I love our members and families. I never expect anything but happy families and happy members because I've never had reason to think otherwise. Well, this day was different. I will spare you the details for the protection of all involved. The jest of it was that they didn't feel that their loved one was safe or was being cared for. My first response was to get defensive and I was. In retrospect, I could have handled things differently. My response was one of, "Is there any reason why you feel she would not be safe?" At this point, my mind is reeling and I find myself getting dizzy. I'm not sure it's vertigo from my ears or if I'm gonna pass out. I've never, ever in all my 25 years in healthcare ever, ever been accused of abuse or neglect. I'm sure my response was less than professional because I was trying to figure out where this was coming from.
Shortly, thereafter, my blood pressure spiked to 167/117 and I started having chest pains. I had been struggling with vertigo for the past few days and had been taking OTC Sudafed which didn't help the BP. I was already shorthanded, was maxed to capacity, my boss was out of town, his parents were filling in at another center. Needless to say, I called them. They came in and I was at urgent care. After three hours, the chest pains subsided. Although my blood pressure was still elevated, the doctor felt that it was safe to send me home... HOME! NOT back to work.
Christmas is a blur. We went home to GA and I hibernated at my sisters where I was safe. Being the counselor that she is, she always knows how to help me process everything. I still feel like I am in a whirlwind. My brain is in overdrive. I've been in constant panic mode. I've not been on anti-anxiety meds in over 6 months until this. The member's family has transferred their loved one to another facility. I have had several conversations with my boss. He has my back but not without questions, of course, and not without investigation for lack of a better word. There's really nothing to investigate. We have an office suite with a kitchen and a bathroom that is open to everyone. Nothing gets by me. Nothing escapes my vision unless I go to the bathroom. When I am in the bathroom, I have two assistants who are there to see what goes on. I am dumbfounded to say the least. Especially now that I've been told it's me that's the problem. That's all I can say.
Families need to be educated on mental illness, Alzheimer's, Dementia, and others. It's sad. There are other symptoms that are often associated with the above including but not limited to paranoia, hallucinations, delusions and behaviors that are linked to all or some.
I can't say more. I just ask for your prayers. I hope this is over, but I fear not. I have since turned in my resignation, not because I'm guilty or I'm afraid, but because the job has been affecting my health for some time. My position is Program Director. My job description never included that of a CNA, dietician, custodian, but I am all of the above in more ways than you can imagine. But not once have those duties made me less professional or neglectful or abusive in any way. My boss, who is a hard man and wants near perfection, has been kind to let me stay ( I guess!) until I can find something else or has asked that I stay to train someone. Which is far better for him than me. As I've said before, I thought God gave me this job. I still believe that. There's something good that will come out of this. I can't bear to think that we may have to go back to Georgia, but I have surrendered my desires to God. He will supply what is needed in all areas.
Thanks for your prayers. I know that God will vindicate me. He knows my heart. I dearly love this population, but I'm thinking it's time to find another line of work.
I once got hit by a line-drive when pitching in my backyard baseball days. I remember how that felt. I was caught off-guard, smack in the belly! That's what I'm feeling now and I'm gasping to get my breath.
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