Friday, August 16, 2013

Finding Community in a Painting Class

I'm still trying to figure out 
what I want to be when I grow up.

Can I get an amen, sisters?

In this world of blog land, 
it seems like we 50+ Ladies 
are dappling in a bit of this and that.

I've started helping my husband 
with a special group
of college and career youth.

I think we can relate
because they are kinda in limbo transition
and so am I-
in-between the in-between, 
if you know what I mean.

These girls are teaching me a little bit 
about a lot of things:)

To the left is a newly college freshmen,
to the right, a soon-to-be graduate student,
and the middle is a second year teacher.

The sweet girls on the left and right are sophomores
and the middle is in her practicum, 
looking for a part-time job, 
and getting ready for graduate school.

A few nights ago,
the guys played corn hole, 
while the girls painted.

This sweet girl leaves tomorrow.
She did this for me.

I told her I'd pray for her
every time I looked at it.

She told me to finish it. 

I was afraid that I'd mess it up.
But I tried anyway.

During our Wednesday night Bible study,
we've been talking about some pretty 
heavy stuff.  

questions, doubts, fears, 
frustrations with "religion."
We all agreed that
And that it's not about "religion."
It's about a Relationship (God) and relationships (each other).

Jesus said the two greatest commandments were
1.  Love the Lord God with your entire being
2.  Love your neighbor as yourself.

We talked in length about the complexity 
and yet simplicity of God-
Father, Son and Spirit
Three in One
and loving Him with all we have.

If we truly know His LOVE
then we are free to love others. 

The saying around the circle is, 
"One of the greatest needs of man is to be known and loved the same."

I said this, I read this and didn't know the impact that it would have on these students.
I was blown away when one of my girls messaged me a photo
of a painting in which she had included this saying.

We all have a need for unconditional love,
not love based on performance or
how "good" we are
or what others expect of us.
We want to be known, truly known, 
the REAL THING kinda known, 
and loved anyway.

She said, 
"Make it pretty,"
and I tried.

Added the year our home was established...

Distressed it a bit...

 and it was all ready for display.


Pray that God will grow this group 
in transition.
They are helping me as much as I desire to help them.

Prayers for those who go
and for those who stay
and for others who will join us.


1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful opportunity Bonnie. I know God will truly bless this small group..and yes, I do understand how you feel.. I had to laugh when you said you did not know what you wanted to be when you grow too! What a great study you are experiencing...and it is in those times that we truly hear more cleary from God. I know he will continue to use you seems you have found a wonderful place with the young ladies for the time being. Blessings my Friend!


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