Thursday, December 13, 2012

Hometown Christmas: Big Bulb Lights and The Gazebo

Nothing like the feel of home.
I have been working out of town for the past month. 
I love my job and the people in this small community are
just good down- home folks.
They have a pretty little town and it is all ready for Christmas.
But I must confess, I miss my small town.
The Gazebo stands in the center of our hometown square.
Familiar decorations from Christmas pasts
line the street lights.
A Christmas tree with big bulb lights stands
in the middle of it all.
Love these!
The Lite-a-Lite Tree Ceremony, hosted
by the local Pilot Club
is the kick-off for the Hometown Holiday events.
Before the busyness of the season,
we pause just a moment to
remember those we love and
those we have loved and lost.
The county courthouse is a great backdrop
for it all.
 In our hometown local businesses are open on Christmas Eve
and music plays in the air, 
"while shoppers rush home
 with their presents."
It's sad that we are busy running back and forth to the larger
cities for bigger and better gifts.
I still like to shop at home
and you won't get that
warm, hometown feel at Walmart.
I'm glad I remember more simple times.
I'm glad I still live in a Mom and Pop kind of town.
Merry Christmas from my hometown to yours,

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