Monday, March 5, 2012

The Promise of Spring After a Season of Winter, Part 2

Techincally,it's another day.  At 12:34 a.m., I am awaiting news about one of the teenagers in our youth group who was hit by a car while skateboarding.  My husband is waiting with the family while Tyler is in surgery. Sleep will not come to these eyes while I wait.

Waiting is never easy.  We've all had seasons of waiting...

Waiting on a report from the doctor...

Waiting beside the bedside of a loved one...

Waiting for the phone to ring...

Waiting for a baby...

Waiting for the right job...

Waiting for any job...

Waiting when God seems silent...

Waiting for the yellow light to turn green in life...

Waiting...It's like walking a tight rope, trying to balance fear and faith.

I've just come through a season of many waits.  Some are too painful and private to share.  For some, I'm still hope, believing.

Right now, I'm waiting for the house to sell. I walked the property lines and prayed.  Just too much pain.  Waiting for the good memories to surface and feeling the need to let go.

Daddy's favorite place...a place of quiet rest where I'm sure he listened for God to speak. I'm sure God gave him many sermons while sitting on the dock.  Daddy was not only a great fisherman, but a  fisher of men. He spent many a day out on this lake building relationships and never spoke a word about Jesus.  He simply lived the life!

This dirty old, rusty basin has cleaned many a fish.  I wonder what he thought about as he cleaned those fish.  Daddy could clean a fish with a quick slice of a knife and a swoop of a finger. That's just like God to clean us up from the inside out without a second thought, making us clean from the inside out.

Now an empty chair remains, rusty and worn out from years of having weathered the storms.  Did I say I like the rusty.  This rusty old chair still stands.  Like Daddy, it has stood the test of time.  It is a rusty old thing, but still quite useful.  Daddy's message of Truth still stands. Although gone, he has left a legacy-a treasure.  This chair is a treasure.  I think I may keep it as a reminder that the important things last forever. 

Yes, there is sunshine after rain, joy after pain, spring after winter.

And I'm a fan of all things rusty, remember?

To be continued...

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