Sunday, August 19, 2012


 Sunday School lesson for today was from Titus 3:1-2:

"Remind the people
To be subject to rulers and authroities,
To be obedient,
To be ready to do whatever is good,
To slander no one,
To be peaceable and considerate,
And to show true humility to all men."

I posed the question:
"In a National Democratic or Repulican Convention, what are some things that you see?"

"Excitement.  Music, Applause, Hoopla on the upside and
LIES, DECEPTION, SLANDER on the downside."

"How should the fact that you are a Christian change the kind of citizen that you are?"

The answer can be found in the verse above...


Sadly, I'm not sure that everything that was said was peaceable and considerate.

However, peace is not the absence of conflict. 

I'm glad that peace is not the resut of the external


Thank you, Jesus.

Where I seek peace...

In corporate worship with other believers

or in my own personal time of quiet reflection and examination
(this is where I most often discover peace)

In music and song

Reading letters from my mama
and the highlighted verses and notes from her Bible.

God help us to be makers of peace in a hostile world.

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