Tuesday, January 21, 2014

White Lace and Promises: Life On The Second Row-Piano Side- Part I

White Lace and Promises: Life On The Second Row-Piano Side- Part I

This is added for my new blogging friends who don't know my story.


  1. I followed the link and was stunned by what I read. How does a family recover from such an event? If we're formed by events in our childhood, this terrible loss must have had an enormous impact on you. I'm so sorry.

  2. I lost my son in 2009 and there is not a day that goes by that he does not cross my mind. I have a younger brother and I love him dearly. I am 9 years older then him so he was my baby when mother worked in the house or helped my dad.
    God is good and gives us the strength to live on.

  3. I am so sorry that this happened to you all - - - but I want to see Part 2. Was your mom okay? What made everything worse about that day, too, was some of the words the adults spoke - - - not exactly comforting or made to cushion the shock.


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